Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

PODCAST: Same Sex Sunday

Same Sex Sunday is a weekly LGBT news podcast hosted by activists Phil Reese and Joe Mirabella, the latter of whom is being subbed for this week by Metro Weekly reporter Chris Geidner.

This week's guests:
Rea Carey, Executive Director of the NGLTF
Michael Cole, Press Secretary for the HRC
R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director of the LCR
Paul Crist, Board Member for Americans for Democratic Action
Diego Sanchez, Senior Legislative adviser for Rep. Barney Frank
Shawn Werner, Dir. of Campaign Services for the Victory Fund
Topics discussed this week:
*White House DADT meeting that took place early last week
*What to expect in the lame duck session
*What the fate of the LGBT agenda may be next Congress

Subscribe via iTunes.

WASHINGTON: Rally For Sanity Smashes All-Time Metro Saturday Ridership Record

Yesterday's Rally For Sanity broke Washington's all-time record for Metro ridership on a Saturday.
By preliminary estimates, Metro recorded 825,437 Metrorail trips on Saturday. Whether it served any of those riders very well is different question. The demand for public transit to attend the Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear -- hosted by Comedy Central duo Stewart and Colbert -- exceeded supply. Metro customers suffered long waits at various Metro stations throughout the city. Several even suffered injuries. Nevertheless, the new record fairly shattered the old record, set on June 8, 1991, when Washington played host to a victory celebration for U.S. troops who served in the First Gulf War. That day Metro recorded 786,358 trips. A 1997 Promise Keepers rally in the District has the third-place record, with 735,909 trips.
Of course, we'll never know how many more people were turned away from using the subway (as was my group) because the cops were freaking out about how crowded the platforms were. We ended up walking the hour or so from our hotel to the Mall and it was amazing to look down the side streets and see tens of thousands of people streaming up from all directions.

RELATED: Despite the ridership count and all the other attendance reports, the Freepers are, of course, declaring that the lamestream media are conspiring to cook the head count so that Glenn Beck's rally looks smaller in comparison.

GEORGIA: Megachurch Pastor Comes Out

The pastor of a massive Georgia church has come out, saying the recent rash of gay teen suicides made it impossible to continue living a lie.
Jim Swilley, 52, founded Rockdale County’s Church in the Now 25 years ago. His wife, Debye, was the associate pastor, and together they had four children. Swilley says he’s known that he’s gay since he was a boy, and his wife knew when they got married. Jim and Debye are now divorced, but they kept his secret for more than 21 years. Earlier this year, Swilley says, Debye told him she thought it was time he stop living a lie. Swilley says he decided she was right after reading stories about kids being harassed by antigay bullies and committing suicide.
The below news story notes that some Christian websites and blogs are condemning Swilley, calling him "sick, twisted, and a tool of Satan."

Obama to Connecticut AIDS Hecklers: Why Do You Think This Is A Useful Strategy?

The president's speech was interrupted by AIDS hecklers at a stop in Connecticut yesterday, prompting him to address them directly.
'Let me just say this,' he said, addressing the hecklers. 'You've been appearing at every rally we've been doing. 'We're funding global Aids,' he continued defensively. 'And the other [Republican] side is not. 'So I don't know why you think this is a useful strategy to take,' he finished, jabbing his finger angrily in the direction of the hecklers. The crowds boos turned to cheers as Mr Obama - who was in the state campaigning for Democrat Richard Blumenthal - spoke. 'So, what we would suggest,' he added, 'I think it would make a lot more sense for you guys to go to the folks who aren't interested in funding global Aids and shout at that rally. Because we're trying to focus on figuring out how to finance the things that you want financed.'

Then he turned to another group of hecklers on his other side, adding: 'You guys same thing.' As more chants filled the rally, he said: 'Alright, you guys have made your point, now let's go.' Fighting to regain the momentum of the rally, he held his hands up saying: 'Everybody - we're alright. 'Come on guys,' he said. He then fell silent again, watching with pursed lips as the crowd booed the hecklers once more. The President waited nearly 20 seconds for the noise to stop, then attempted again to continue with his speech.

SLIDESHOW: Reader Meet-Up DC

We had a great crowd show up for the JMG reader meet-up at DC's Green Lantern last night, where I got to put faces to some of our more well-known screen names. Thanks to everybody for coming out, it was great to meet all of you!

Sign Of The Sanity Rally

Morning View - White House

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

RECAP: Rally For Sanity

Today's Rally For Sanity in DC was an astounding success by most measures, except, ahem, for those of us who only arrived two hours early and still couldn't get within miles of the stage or Jumbotrons. In fact, most of the time we were too far away to even hear the public address system. On top of that, the Metro was insanely overloaded, prompting DC police to close the entrance to some stations for safety reasons. Hello, walking for miles. I'll recap the day further in a later post, meanwhile below is a slideshow, a brief clip from Stephen Colbert's entrance, and Jon Stewart's main speech. Full-screen versions of the below photos can be found here.

[Top Photo: New York Times]

Dr. Phil Rips Clint McCance's "Apology"

FRC's Tony Perkins: Our Hate Speech Deserves To Be Heard On NPR

"This week another group that demands the celebration of homosexuality called on National Public Radio to exclude the viewpoint of Family Research Council and other conservatives because we 'have nothing productive to bring to the table.'

"We are all agreed that every suicide by a 'gay'-identified teenager is a tragedy. And there are not two sides to the issue of bullying--we are all agreed that no one deserves to be bullied and that bullies should be punished. But there most certainly are two sides to the claims that orthodox theology and pro-family public policies are to blame for such bullying and such suicides, and the media has an obligation to air both sides, not just attacks by homosexual activists. In their definition of tolerance, the truth that would prevent a young person entering into homosexuality, or that change is possible for those seeking to leave the homosexual lifestyle, must be silenced." - Family Research Council head Tony Perkins.

Movin' Like Bernie

Just in time for Halloween is the new dance craze, the Bernie, in which one flops around like the corpse in Weekend At Bernie's. I know people who already dance like this!

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Iowa's NOM Crazies: Part Five

Teabaggers Call For Health Care Repeal

And they bring on Reagan's son and Joe the Plumber to do it.

SPECIAL TO JMG: Father Tony Interviews CT Lt. Governor Candidate Nancy Wyman

As the CFO of a state agency in Connecticut for many years, I attended monthly meetings of the State Bond Commission where I would present and explain projects needing funds to a panel including the Governor, the Attorney General, the State Treasurer and Nancy Wyman, the State Comptroller, or her openly gay Deputy, Mark Ojakian. I developed a respect for these two dedicated public servants who delivered many years of efficient financial management and who made diversity and safety for LGBT people in the workplace look natural and easy.

Now, Nancy Wyman is in the final week of her campaign to become Connecticut’s Lieutenant Governor as the running mate of Dan Malloy, the Democratic candidate for Connecticut Governor. I was delighted that she agreed to answer a few questions for the readers of JoeMyGod.

Has same-sex marriage changed Connecticut?

Same sex marriage has been legal in Connecticut for two years with no bad effects. And, because it is legal in Connecticut we have enjoyed an influx of visitors from other states coming here for celebrations. This has had a significant and positive economic impact on Connecticut. Some people in other states that are still debating same-sex marriage fear its repercussions.

Any message for them?

I just have no idea what they are afraid of. It just makes sense to not stand in the way of letting people love and live as they prefer.

Have you always been supportive of the concept of same-sex marriage and LGBT rights in general?

I’m proud to say that Dan Malloy and I were among the very earliest supporters of first civil unions and then same-sex marriage in Connecticut. Both of us didn’t need any convincing. We both testified in favor of civil unions and for same-sex marriage while many others hesitated. It’s how we believe things should be. I never dreamed I would officiate at a same-sex marriage but I have, and it’s wonderful.

As a straight married wife and mother, why were you always such a strong advocate for LGBT rights?

It might be due in part to the way I was brought up by my parents. Everyone was welcome in our home. I learned the importance of taking time to get to know people. Once you know somebody, you respect and value them. It might be due in part to the fact that my husband was passed over for promotions in a large Connecticut insurance company because he is Jewish. We had to fight for our rights just as you had to fight for your right to be out and comfortable as a state employee. I’ve been very happy to see the state government workplace improve over the years for LGBT employees. I’ve been lucky to have Mark Ojakian who was the highest ranking out state employee as my Deputy. I’m proud of Kevin Lembo who is also an out gay man and was in my agency and is now running for my previous position as State Comptroller.

We still need to do more outreach to young LGBT people who get bullied. We are just now realizing how extensive and serious a problem this is. It’s shocking and sad and we have much work to do to change this.

Any final message for the readers of JoeMyGod?

Yes. Please vote. No matter what state you live in.

Israel Gets Their Own Tea Party

I really like the Russia Today channel.

Michelle Obama Talks Bullying With Ellen

The First Lady appears on today's episode of Ellen, where the two discussed bullying.
Mrs. Obama said young people need to know that they shouldn't let the challenges they face in high school or college "eat them up." "All of these young people regardless of their race, their sexual orientation, they are gifts to us," she said. "They have so much to offer and it's just terrible to find out that kids are letting this part of their life define everything about who they are going to be." The first lady said she tells daughters Malia and Sasha that they have a responsibility to speak up when they see someone being bullied.

Noose Hung At Equality California

Workers arrived at the Santa Ana office of Equality California to find a small string noose hanging from the door. Local police were uninterested. EQCA employee Mel Distel relates her exchange with the cop who responded to her call:
"There was nothing they could do, of course, there was no suspect and no crime had been committed. The officer said 'what it is, is a string on a door.' My vision got blurry, I was embarrased and felt stupid for making the call. I took a deep breath and said 'Do you see any correlation between the fact that this is a gay office and there was a noose left on our door in the wake of all of these teen suicides?' The officer said, 'Sometimes you just have to live with being a victim,' and proceeded to mention that his car had been broken into before." That didn't exactly sit well with Distel. "As if that's the same. As if having your stereo stolen is anything like the message 'You should kill yourself.' As if random theft is anything like an act meant to convey hate and stir up fear in the heart of a minority group."
Making threats of violence against an LGBT group is considered a hate crime in California, despite the officer's indifference.

RHODE ISLAND: Independent Lincoln Chafee Surges Against Dem Caprio

When I last reported on this race two weeks ago, Caprio had a slight lead, but that was before the president declined to endorse him. Chafee aligns himself with Obama in his new ad (below), something more than a few Democrats won't do these days.

HHS Secretary Sebelius - It Gets Better

PhoboQuotable - Matt Barber

"He has, via unconstitutional executive fiat, unilaterally and arbitrarily disregarded the federal Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA, which states that the federal government only recognizes legitimate marriage as between one man and one woman. After November 2, it's my hope that some gutsy legislators in Congress will begin to look at this and other legally dubious actions by this president to determine if we may have high crimes and misdemeanors here on the part of this despotic man." - Liberty Counsel douchebag Matt Barber, saying he wants the president charged with a crime because the feds have granted limited health benefits to the partners of federal employees.

REMINDER: Post-Rally JMG Reader Meet-Up At DC's Green Lantern

If you are attending tomorrow's Rally For Sanity in Washington DC, we're holding a post-event JMG reader meet-up at the Green Lantern bar at 8PM. Hit the link for directions and a map. Looking forward to meeting lots of you there!

Attack Ad Of The Year

Dan Savage weighs in on Diaper Boy.

David Vitter, of course, is a whoremonger and a conservative Christian who supports "family values." But Vitter is right with God and right with his constituents—and will most likely get his rightwing ass reelected—because, you see, he at least has the decency to hate the homos. Vitter supports a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, opposes the repeal of DADT, the passage of ENDA, and on and on. Just as New York's Carl Paladino can style himself as a faithful Catholic—never mind his extramarital affair, his lovechild, his mistress—because he hates the gays (at least the grinders in Speedos), Vitter is a "good" Christian despite the philandering because he hates the gays. They set the bar pretty low for themselves, don't they? Hate the gays and you're right with God and right with Republicans. No personal sacrifices required.

HomoQuotable - John Berry

"In under two years, President Obama and his record number of LGBT appointees have accomplished so much for LGBT Americans. His and Congress’s historic achievement of securing health care reform finally cements the most important protections for those in our community who need them most – especially those living with HIV and AIDS.

"Hospital visitation rights for all Americans, expanded benefits for the same-sex domestic partners of Federal workers, enactment of the hate crimes law, increased coverage for those living with HIV/AIDS, Federal support for LGBT community-based organizations, anti-bullying programs enacted in schools, support for our aging LGBT population, and so much more. These are real, concrete achievements that are saving and improving the lives of countless LGBT Americans right now.

"I realize that this subtle – but dramatic – change is hard to appreciate when full equality is in sight. It’s understandable. I’m not taking my eyes off the goal or asking you to. Indeed, the President is the first to say that change hasn’t come fast enough. But he has called on all of us to charge full speed ahead. The Tree of Liberty grows only by adding rings. From the Revolution to the Civil War, to women’s suffrage, the Civil Rights Movement, and onward, our entire nation has been enriched by every added ring. Now is our time to complete our ring."

"All Administration officials, me included, are accountable to that goal; to the principles upon which our Republic was founded – liberty and justice for all. We will not rest until discriminatory laws like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act are ended once and for all. And because no one should be denied a job because of discrimination, a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act must be enacted as well.

"So hold us to account. Let us know when we’re right, be the wind in our sails when our momentum flags, and pull us back to the path when we go astray. But whatever you do, don’t turn away. Don’t give up. Don’t relent." - Office of Personnel Management director John Berry, the highest-ranking openly gay Obama appointee, in a coming issue of Philadelphia Gay News.

What Clint McCance Learned This Week

Also learned by a certain Senate staffer.


New York Times Asks: Why Aren't Gays Fired Up Against Meg Whitman?

The New York Times observes that there appears to be "little passion" among LGBT voters regarding the outcome of California's gubernatorial race. And that's curious because Meg Whitman has vowed to attempt to defend Proposition 8 in the Ninth Circuit Court, should she be elected.
Intervention would be an “unprecedented situation,” said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California, Irvine. “We don’t know what would happen if a new governor or attorney general tried to intervene,” he said. The December appeals hearing could face a lengthy delay, or an argument could be made for a new trial, with the state reversing its stance and supporting the marriage ban. Rory Little, professor of law at the University of California Hastings College of the Law, said that a new trial would be unlikely, but that the judges would carefully consider the motion. “The court will take this very seriously,” Mr. Little said. With the election possibly affecting such a hard-fought legal victory, gay men and lesbians should be motivated to vote, but they might not be aware of the stakes, according to political analysts.
I think we at this here website thingy have been ringing the Fear Whitman bell fairly loudly, but the above-linked NYT piece places the overall blame for Whitman apathy on LGBT disappointment with the Obama administration.

Phone Finder

Can't find your cell and nobody's around to call it for you? There's a website that does that. Bookmarked!

Robyn - Indestructible

(Via - Towleroad)

Cynthia Nixon For Fight Back NY

Iowa's NOM Crazies: Part Four

"Homosexuality is bad thing. It used to be useful when we were cavemen and we needed people to guard the caves full of women and children. If I’m a guy out hunting, I want to leave someone back at the cave tending to my wife and kids, and I don’t want a normal guy having that kind of access to my wife and kids. So, in our evolution, you can see that there use to be a utility for homosexuality, but that was when we were cavemen and we aren’t cavemen anymore. So, homosexuality is obsolete. But you can see what happens when homosexuals get power — like in Iowa City. They are running rampant. They are doing vicious stuff. Read Shakespeare’s Othello. Basically the homosexuals are like the Iago figure. " - NOM supporter Randy Crawford, speaking to the Iowa Independent.

UPDATE: I'm told Mr. Crawford is the same whackadoodle featured in yesterday's video. Double crazy score!

NEW YORK CITY: Hate Crimes Charges For Three In Bronx Gay Bashing

Yesterday a grand jury returned hate crimes indictments for three members of the Latin Kings Goonies gang, who are accused in a brutal gay bashing in the Bronx that took place earlier this month.
Elmer Cofresi, 23, Nelson Falu,17, and Ruddy Vargas, 22, are charged with multiple hate crimes in the anti-gay gang assault this month. Seven alleged members of a homophobic gang known as the Latin Kings Goonies have been charged in the brutal robbery and assault, during which two men were sodomized with wooden objects. Four teens originally charged in the case were released following an investigation by the Bronx district attorney's office.
All of the suspects will be back in court on November 23rd for the setting of their trial dates.

Quote Of The Day - Betty White

"I don’t care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has been together all that time - and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones - I think it’s fine if they want to get married. I don’t know how people can get so anti-something. Mind your own business, take care of your affairs, and don’t worry about other people so much." - Betty White, in an interview with Parade Magazine.

INDIANA: South Bend Rejects LGBT Rights

By a 6-3 vote, the city council of South Bend, Indiana has voted to continue to allow local businesses to fire people for being gay.
Explaining his opposition to the proposal, council President Derek Dieter, D-District 1, said afterward, "I just don't think it's needed in South Bend." Dieter said he had not seen any documentation proving workplace discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people exists, "and I think it (the proposal) would cause more harm than good to small businesses." For his part, Patrick Mangan, executive director of the conservative group Citizens for Community Values, praised Dieter and other opponents of the proposal, who he said "stood up to a lot of pressure behind the scenes." "I'm pleased the council did the right thing in lovingly opposing special rights for homosexuals," he said, adding, "And I renew the offer to all those struggling with same-sex attraction to come to freedom and come to wholeness."
If this news changes your plans to travel to or do business in South Bend, let their Chamber of Commerce know about it.

Today In Anti-Gay Robocalls

ZOMG! A Democrat took a donation in the hundreds of dollars from an unidentified person who works in the "hardcore gay pornography" industry. Clearly she wants to destroy Christianity. Stone her! Stone her NOW.

iPhone Launches "Peek-A-Boo Tranny" App

Apple has allowed the launch of a new app that "hilariously" inserts a "tranny" into photos, ostensibly for the purpose of shaming your friends. Bil Browning reacts at Bilerico:
Not only is the whole premise offensive - especially the name - but Apple is notorious for being prudish about the apps it approves for sale in its App Store. This one made it through the process but a dictionary was blocked temporarily for including definitions for curse words and they still mark most LGBT apps as "contain age-restricted material" that requires you to put in your password to "prove" you're over the age of 17. What's next now that Apple's standards department is okay with stereotypes and slurs? I smell Peekaboo Wetback! It'll insert a Mexican man wearing a sombrero and holding a burrito!
UPDATE: GLAAD reports that they have convinced Apple to remove the app.

Technology Flashback

More vintage tech ads are here. OMG the hair.

Anderson Cooper Interviews Clint McCance, Ellen, Parents Of Suicide Victims

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

SPOILER: Project Runway Finale

Stay out of the comments if you haven't yet seen last night's season finale of Project Runway. Otherwise jump in and and dish about the judges' decision.

Pentagon DADT Survey Of Troops To Show Most Don't Care About Gay Soldiers

Arkansas School Board VP Clint McCance To Resign After Anti-Gay Facebook Tirade

Arkansas school board member Clint McCance announced on CNN tonight that he will be resigning. McCance has faced a week of national condemnation for celebrating the suicides of LGBT youth on his Facebook page
"I'm sorry I've hurt people with my comments," Clint McCance, vice-president of the Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas said. "I'm sorry I made those ignorant comments and hurt people on a broad spectrum." McCance wrote on his personal Facebook page that he wanted gay people to commit suicide, according to The Advocate, a newspaper focusing on gay news. McCance used the terms "queer" and "fag" repeatedly, promised to disown his own children if they are gay and stated that he enjoys "the fact that [gay people] give each other AIDS and die." On Thursday, he disowned the comments. "I would never support suicide for any kids," he said. "I don't support bullying of any kids. I'd like to extend apologies to those families that have lost children, for all those children who feel that suicide is the only way out, especially for the five families who have already lost children," he said, referring to a rash of recent suicides by gay teens. "I brought more hurt on them... they didn't deserve that and I do feel genuinely bad for them."
The Human Rights Campaign reacts via press release:
"Clint McCance's decision to resign from the school board is a step forward for the community he represents. We are hopeful the wounds that were inflicted will soon be healed," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "What remains troubling is that Mr. McCance focused his regret on particular word choices not the animus behind those words. We hope he will take this time to reflect not only on the language he used but on what he can do to make the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people better."
I'll have video of McCance's CNN appearance shortly.

I Am Not A Bush. I Am You.

Gawker has published a man's anonymous account of a one-night stand with a hammered Christine O'Donnell on Halloween night 2007. But according to the author, he was too turned off by the sight of O'Donnell's unwaxed vah-jay-jay to go through with any actual sex. So as far as we know, she really IS still a virgin. She's a chaste Christian woman! Yeah, right.

NOTE: I totally HAD to steal the headline of this post from a Gawker commenter. Had to.

UPDATE: In the several hours since Gawker's post went up, the story has exploded across the internet, yielding both widespread condemnation of Gawker for running the story and fevered attempts to identify its anonymous author. Which has happened. I'd agree that it's a sleazy story, but in the Department of Giving-A-Fuck, I'm filing this under: Do Not. This is a woman who went on a years-long campaign of demonizing gay people, telling that them that they were sick and that she had the cure: Jesus Christ. No blow is too low for these repulsive creatures.

UPDATE II: O'Donnell campaign has posted a statement.
Classless Coons goons have proven yet again to have no sense of common decency or common sense with their desperate attacks to get another rubber stamp for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda. Such attacks are truly shameful, but they will not distract us from making our case to Delaware voters -- and keeping the focus on Chris Coons’ record of higher taxes, increased spending, and as he has done again here, breaking his promises to the voters."
UPDATE III: O'Donnell appeared on Fox News tonight where she appeared to blame the Gawker story on her opponent (without commenting on it directly).

Sarah Palin: I'll Run For President In 2012 If There's Nobody Else To Do It

Mama Grizzly + Mary Hart = Double extra seizure!

Texas NBC Station Apologizes For Homophobic Viewer Call-In Segment

Calling it "poorly worded at best and inappropriate altogether at worst," the general manager of the Texas NBC affiliate that broadcast yesterday's "Will homosexuals bring about America's destruction?" segment has issued an apology. The story became national news after being posted here on JMG thanks to a tip from a reader in Texas. CORRECTION: The below apology is from the manager of the radio station whose program was simulcast on the television station referenced further down in this post.
There are many issues surrounding homosexuality that are fair game for discussion in the media and in opinion journalism. The proper role, if any, for openly gay individuals in the military, the legitimacy of same-sex marriages and the public behavior by some individuals at gay and lesbian events held outdoors in public view are among topics about which reasonable people may disagree. These and other topics surrounding homosexuality are topics that talk radio hosts and opinion journalists may legitimately pose to their respective audiences.

With that said, the way our Talkback question was posed might be seen as asking, “Do homosexuals, by their very existence, threaten to bring down America?” We believe that such a question, posed in such a manner, is likely to generate more heat than light. I understand how those who either heard, or heard about, KTBB’s Talkback question on Wednesday might have been offended. For the offense that was taken, we sincerely apologize.
GLAAD has gotten involved and convinced the station to remove the offending clip from their site. (My mirror of the clip remains on YouTube.) Additionally GLAAD is working to have Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns appear on the station to talk about homophobia in the media. GLAAD reports that the above-mentioned station manager will go on-air to denounce the piece.
General Manager Dave Tillery has also responded to our request that he appear on-camera to speak on behalf of the station. Dave realizes how important it is that the station acknowledge in front of their viewers what they’ve acknowledged to GLAAD over the phone – that a segment like Wednesday’s has no place on the airwaves of a reputable news organization. Furthermore, Dave plans to acknowledge the potential harm that could be caused by Wednesday’s report and will commit, on behalf of the station, to being more careful in the future. Lastly, KETK is rethinking how they will repackage KTBB Talkback content for future newscasts. KETK General Manager Dave Tillery shared with GLAAD that he will be meeting tomorrow with Paul Gleiser, KTBB’s owner/general manager.
This story isn't over yet, but we've seen quick movement in the right direction thanks to GLAAD and to the readership of this blog who deluged the right parties with complaints.

It's Us (Christians) Vs Them (Heathens)

Right Wing Watch tips us to this Sharron Angle spot produced by friend-o-Jeebus Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition.

NEW YORK CITY: Jury May Be Deadlocked In Craigslist Slaying Of Gay Reporter

Troubling news from the trial of confessed killer of gay ABC newsman George Weber.
Jurors in the Brooklyn murder trial of the teenager accused in the sex-charged stabbing death of WABC newsman George Weber yesterday told the judge they were deadlocked but will return today for further deliberations. In the middle of their second day of deliberations, the jurors sent out their note telling Judge Neil Firetog for the second time that they were having difficulties. Earlier yesterday the jury asked Firetog a second time to explain "reasonable doubt." John Katehis, 18, is charged with stabbing Weber, 47, more than 50 times in the March 2009 slaying.
The then 16 year-old Katehis was hired on Craigslist for an S/M "smothering" scene with Weber. Defense attorneys have painted the victim as a sexual predator, despite the confession and despite ample evidence of the killer's violent tendencies, including internet postings in which he brandished his extensive collection of knives and swords.

UPDATE: A mistrial HAS been declared due to one holdout juror who would not budge on the issue of intent. As in Katehis didn't INTEND to keep stabbing his bound victim 50 times? Prosecutors have vowed to try him again. Meanwhile, he gets a fucking bail hearing next week.

Iowa's NOM Crazies: Part Three

Gayest-sounding NOM supporter EVAH!

Email Of The Day

NOM's Brian Brown: Men Are Not Capable Of Nurturing Babies

Homophobia Literally Kills: Texas Edition

The latest edition in the series by JMG reader Sean Chapin.

Photo Of The Day - Carl Paladino


Safe Sex

Spain's hookers are required to wear reflective safety vests when they work in traffic. No vest = 40 Euro fine.

Oral Roberts' Grandson - It Gets Better

November 8th In NYC: Fundraising Concert For The Ali Forney Center

Monday, November 8th in New York City, the Ali Forney Center will stage a fundraising concert featuring Alan Cumming, David Raleigh, Billy Porter, and dance music star Ari Gold.
It’s no secret. Our LGBT youth are suffering now more than ever before, as you may have seen in recent news. These teens need support, they need help, and most of all, they need friends. For these reasons, Alan Cumming, Ari Gold, Billy Porter and I have founded a benefit we are calling The Friends Project. It is my pleasure to invite you to a ONE NIGHT ONLY EVENT with me and my friends. Together, we will raise awareness of this grave issue, celebrate life and release the world premier of our new music video, “That’s What Friends Are For.” All proceeds will benefit the Ali Forney Center, an organization that works tirelessly to serve New York City’s homeless LGBT youth. The center sees vulnerable LGBT teens through that fragile transition between adolescence and adulthood. We are friends of the Ali Forney Center and we are friends to the city’s struggling LGBT teens.
Get tickets here!

Deep Jury Doody

If you're going to alter a jury duty summons with your dad's name on it so you can tell your boss you're on a vehicular homicide trial, you probably shouldn't leave the doctored summons on your office desk. And then brag about your vacation to fabulous Baltimore on Facebook.
A Staten Island human-resources manager with a history of financial scams doctored a jury summons to weasel out of work for a Baltimore getaway that included taking in a comedy show -- and now she faces up to 14 years in prison, authorities said yesterday. Rebecca Thybulle, 32, was nabbed after her boss found evidence on her desk -- while she was out for eight days on supposed jury duty -- that she had altered a juror summons originally sent to her dad, according to court documents. Thybulle was busted Tuesday after returning to the Amboy Road offices of Children's Home Intervention Programs, a state-funded program for autistic kids, said Staten Island DA Daniel Donovan's spokesman. She was ordered held lieu of $25,000 bond yesterday. Sources said Thybulle -- who claimed to be a juror on a vehicular-homicide case -- later tried to justify her cut-and-paste forgery job by saying, "I needed to take some personal time off. My boss would not allow me to without a good excuse, and even then would badger you about it."
(Image via Gothamist)

HomoQuotable - Michelangelo Signorile

"The Republican Party would like nothing better than to see the discontent in the Democratic base help them install truly the most extreme lot of candidates we have seen in many years. We've exposed the tea party as nothing more than a reconfiguration of all the religious zealots, moral crusaders, racists and bigots who've been around for years. Do not attempt to punish the President or the Democrats by punishing yourself. This country has been in a very precarious state for a long time, in which the political winds can usher in something radical and extreme very quickly. Bad economic times are always an opportunity for those who seek to do that. We have and will demand full accountability by the Democrats and president -- who is not on the ballot until 2012 -- but don't do it by giving power to your enemies." - SiriusXM radio host Michelangelo Signorile.

WIKILEAKS: American Gov't Kept Quiet About Murders Of Gays In Iraq

Gay City News reports today that according to a portion of latest documents revealed via Wikileaks, the Pentagon knew about the murders of gay men in Iraq for more than a year before news outlets reported them. Via Duncan Osborne:
“The male was shot (___) times in the chest, and a note was discovered on the body stating that the man had been killed by ___ for stealing cars and being homosexual,” read the January 1, 2005, memo, in which some words were redacted. The body was discovered in Ramadi, a city in central Iraq, and a note was left at the scene by the gunmen who killed the man. The fact that the note was written in advance of the killing suggests that the gunmen knew whom they were targeting and why they were killing him, and had time to plan and prepare for the murder.

“After talking with the locals (through an ___), a CO discovered that the male was killed at approximately 1545C by gunmen driving past in a vehicle,” the memo read. “The vehicle drove past, fired, dropped the note, and then fled. The note is being brought back to - -___ for further analysis. No friendly casualties or damage to equipment reported.”

Gay City News found the memo by searching on wikileaks.org with keywords such as gay, lesbian, homosexual, fag, and faggot. The 2005 memo was the only document Gay City News found that related to the killings of gay Iraqis. Gay City News first reported on such killings in March of 2006. Reporter Doug Ireland, who authored that first story, found killings that occurred as early as April of 2005. An April 2006 report from the United Nations added further evidence that gay, lesbian, and transgender Iraqis were being targeted.
Read Duncan Osborne's complete report.

Ken Buck On The Gays

From the official YouTube channel of Sen. Michael Bennet.

The Zip Bed

All I've ever wanted is a completely white penthouse apartment strewn very sparingly with softly-rounded featureless white furnishings. This all started with Space 1999. I am not kidding.


Sharron Angle: The Wicked Ways Of Gay Marriage & Medicare Are Destroying Us

Speaking to a Nevada church, Sharron Angle got all caught up in Jeebus and denounced social programs, abortion, divorce, and gay marriage as the "wicked ways" that are destroying America.
"I confess that we are a nation who has killed our children. I confess that we are a nation who has walked away from the family and allowed divorce even among our ranks. We have walked away from the biblical definition of marriage; one man, one woman, the two become one flesh," Angle said. "We as a nation have been walking away from our constitutional freedom and relying on government instead to take care of the widow and the orphan...we're saying 'well, the government we have all these programs now, aid for families with dependent children and medicare and social security."
According to Angle, "the people" should help their needy, not the government.

CALIFORNIA: AG Jerry Brown Holding Nice Lead Over Meg Whitman

The last couple of polls including the one published yesterday show Attorney General Jerry Brown sitting on a rather comfortable lead over Meg Whitman. That's potentially good news regarding Proposition 8.

Quote Of The Day - Rebecca Kleefisch

"This is a slippery slope. In addition to that at what point are we going to be okay marrying inanimate objects? Can I marry this table or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs? This is ridiculous. And biblically, again, I'm going to go right back to my fundamental Christian beliefs marriage is between one man and one woman." - Rebecca Kleefisch, GOP candidate for lieutenant governor of Wisconsin.

Another Creepy Robot

I, for one, welcome our new Japanese lady robot overlords.

Anderson Cooper On Clint McCance

He may not be officially out, but Anderson Cooper is a consistent, articulate, and passionate advocate for his people, particularly its gay youth.

Tweets Of The Day - NOM

If NOMbies are brain dead, how come they still produce tweets?

Balloon Boy's Dad Is Back

It's a patent-pending back-scratching system.

Charlie Sheen: The Taiwan News Version

"One And A Half Men"?

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Open Thread Thursday

What are your favorite scary movies, classic and recent? I always loved the dystopian stuff like Omega Man and more recently, 28 Days Later. Could never get into the campy slasher flicks like Freddy Krueger and Halloween.

Obama's First Sit-Down With Bloggers

This afternoon President Obama had his first sit-down with five progressive bloggers, one of whom was Joe Sudbay (far left) from the LGBT-rights focused AmericaBlog. Sudbay has posted a transcript of his exchanges with the president, in which Obama indicated he'd be personally involved in the DADT lame duck strategy.

But perhaps more interestingly, the president revealed that his position on marriage equality was "evolving" and he hinted that a formal change may be coming.
"As you say, I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage. But I also think you’re right that attitudes evolve, including mine. And I think that it is an issue that I wrestle with and think about because I have a whole host of friends who are in gay partnerships. I have staff members who are in committed, monogamous relationships, who are raising children, who are wonderful parents. And I care about them deeply. And so while I’m not prepared to reverse myself here, sitting in the Roosevelt Room at 3:30 in the afternoon, I think it’s fair to say that it’s something that I think a lot about."
Cynics will, of course, deride today's meeting as a last-minute stunt to pull the wavering LGBT vote out of the fire. That's probably at least partly true. And the president did express some obvious resentment at LGBT activists for doubting his sincerity. Still, I felt somewhat more encouraged. Hit the link and read Joe Sudbay's entire report.

The GOP Pledge Of Allegiance

Arkansas Department Of Education Condemns Anti-Gay Remarks Made By School Board Member Clint McCance

The Arkansas state Department of Education has issued a statement denouncing the anti-gay remarks made by local Independence County school board member Clint McCance, who used Facebook to celebrate the suicides of LGBT teenagers and the deaths of gay people from AIDS. The DOE's statement does not appear in the above-linked Associate Press story other than their word "dismayed."
The posting said to be from Midland School Board member Clint McCance came after last week's nationwide move for people to wear purple ribbons in support of gay and lesbian youth. The posting, first reported on The Advocate's website, said that the only way McCance would wear purple is "if they all commit suicide." McCance couldn't immediately be reached for comment Wednesday but told the Arkansas Times that the issue had been "blown out of proportion" and he plans to issue a statement later in the day. The Facebook page has since been disabled but a screen-grab remains on The Advocate's website. The Human Rights Campaign has called for McCance's resignation. The state Education Department's statement Wednesday said it is "dismayed" over the posting.
A Little Rock-based television station is looking for McCance.
After receiving several emails alleging Midland school board member Clint McCance made disparaging remarks about gay students, Today's THV is investigating the allegations. McCance is accused of posting on his Facebook page that several recent suicides of gay students across the U.S. were due to those students' sin. He also allegedly made other comments bashing gays. Today's THV has not confirmed McCance actully made the posts, but B.J. Steed is in Midland, which is just outside Batesville in Independence County, trying to contact McCance as well as other school board members. Today's THV contacted Superintendent Dean Stanley's office, but he is out until Friday. Midland Principal Donna Clark would only reply "no comment" to all our questions. In response to the comments on Facebook, someone set up another Facebook page calling for McCance to be removed from the board. THV's BJ Steed will have more on this developing story on Today's THV at 5, 6 and 10 p.m.
MSNBC is reporting on the story as I type this. I'll have video ASAP.

UPDATE: Here's the statement from the Arkansas Department of Education.
The Arkansas Department of Education strongly condemns remarks or attitudes of this kind and is dismayed to see that a school board official would post something of this insensitive nature on a public forum like Facebook. Because Mr. McCance is an elected official, the department has no means of dealing with him directly. However, the department does have staff who investigate matters of bullying in schools and we will monitor and quickly respond to any bullying of students that may occur because of this, as we have with other civil rights issues in the past.
UPDATE II: The Advocate reports that McCance may keep his job.
“In Arkansas law, the only way to recall a school board member is over a felony [committed by him or her] or absentee issues,” said Julie Johnson Thompson, the director of communications for the Arkansas Department of Education in Little Rock. Thompson says McCance, as an elected official, answers to voters, not Midland school district’s superintendent. “[The Arkansas Department of Education] doesn’t have any control over his job,” Thompson pointed out.
UPDATE III: MSNBC's openly gay host Thomas Roberts covers the story.

UPDATE IV: The executive director of the Arkansas School Boards Association reacts.
Members of the Arkansas School Boards Association Board of Directors and staff were appalled to read the comments purportedly made by the Midland School Board member in which he denounces gay students. Our organization expects school board members to support the education and promote the welfare of all students in their districts. With 1,500-plus school board members in Arkansas, we are saddened that the comments made by one individual will reflect poorly on other board members who work hard on behalf of the children in their communities. ASBA has no tolerance for bullying or attacks on children, and we certainly would not tolerate such actions, either physical or verbal, by adults. When school board members take the oath of office, they swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas. ASBA expects board members to adhere to state and federal laws, and bullying would certainly fall under those statutes.

Vote Homo, Not Cuomo

I almost fell out of my chair when this ad from former madam and New York gubernatorial candidate just ran on local NYC television.

Just Posted To Sharron Angle's Channel

Sharron Angle sent Joy Behar a huge bouquet of flowers with the note: "Joy, I raised $150,000 online yesterday thanks to your comments."

PhoboQuotable - Cardinal Raymond Burke

"As a bishop it's my obligation in fact, to urge the faithful to carry out their civic duty in accord with their Catholic faith. So, the Catholic Church in teaching that sexual acts between persons of the same sex are intrinsically evil, are against nature itself, is simply announcing the truth, helping people to discriminate right from wrong in terms of their own activities." - Cardinal Raymond Burke, telling America's Catholics that it's their Godly duty to remember to oppress their fellow citizens at the polls next Tuesday.