Sabtu, 30 April 2011
One Million Americans Apply For McJobs
Over one million applicants turned out for McDonald's highly-publicized hiring spree last week.
McDonald’s Corp, the world’s biggest restaurant chain, said it hired 24 percent more people than planned during an employment event this month. McDonald’s and its franchisees hired 62,000 people in the U.S. after receiving more than one million applications, the Oak Brook, Illinois-based company said today in an e-mailed statement. Previously, it said it planned to hire 50,000. The April 19 national hiring day was the company’s first, said Danya Proud, a McDonald’s spokeswoman. She declined to disclose how many of the jobs were full- versus part-time. McDonald’s employed 400,000 workers worldwide at company-owned stores at the end of 2010, according to a company filing.The big hiring push was heralded by some as evidence as a surging economy, but you have to wonder what those same analysts say about the 938,000+ plus folks who were desperate enough to work at McDonald's but got turned away.
Homophobia From Klondike
The new Klondike commercial feature two grimacing bikers that must endure a "moment of intimacy" by holding hands long enough to win some ice cream.
Gays Caused The Mortgage Crisis

"The mortgage crisis was the sin of temptation being offered by those who relaxed legitimate standards, offered to those without the personal standards to resist. This easy-pay physical structure was too good to be true, and appealed to an increasingly covetous segment of our culture. Sexual and material covetousness are usually sin siblings. It would be interesting to study the families who have defaulted on mortgages for the correlations between structural and/or functional weaknesses like infidelity, divorce, gambling or porn addictions, job instability, credit card default, domestic abuse, sexual deviance, and criminality. There is also a high likelihood that poor or no church attendance would show up as a factor as well." - Linda Harvey, head of the SPLC-certified hate group, Mission America.
hate groups,
Linda Harvey,
Mission America
God Sent The Tornadoes
Three days later he says this? These guys are slipping.
Jumat, 29 April 2011
NYPD Issues Warning: Muggers Are Stalking Gay Men In West Village
The New York Post reports that the NYPD has issued a warning that teams of muggers are targeting gay men leaving bars in the West Village area. Some of the recent attacks:
Between April 11 and 27 at least five men were mugged in five separate incidents in the area around Seventh Avenue South and Christopher Street typically in the early hours of the morning. Many of the victims, who were all alone when attacked, hail from New Jersey. They were coming from bars including Kettle of Fish, Ty’s Bar and Hangar Bar, according to police sources. On April 11, a 27-year-old man from New Jersey was surrounded by five men who restrained him and rifled through his pockets, fleeing with his phone and drivers license, police sources said. On April 15, a 69-year-old man from Trenton was attacked from behind by two men, knocked to the ground and had his wallet stolen. Another attack occurred April 25 at 4 a.m. on the corner Seventh Avenue South and Christopher Street when a 32-year-old man was mugged by three men after he left the Kettle of Fish bar. The next day a 27-year-old male from Jersey City was mugged by a lone assailant who made off with his wallet.That many of the victims are from New Jersey tells us that the muggers may be focused on those heading for the PATH train.
MINNESOTA: Marriage Ban Advances

Goodwin suggested tweaking the text of the proposed amendment so the Minnesota Constitution would not only limit marriage to couplings of one man and one woman, but also to one marriage per person per lifetime—a ban on divorce, though not separation. The proposed ballot question: "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Minnesota?" Goodwin first proposed adding the words "for life" after the word "union," then to replace "a marriage" with "one marriage."The amendments failed. Goodwin reacted (to roars of approval from the gallery): “I will never in this Legislature, will never vote — even if it means I’m voted out — to put language of discrimination in the constitution. I could not live with myself, and those of you who claim to be good Christians, you need to think about what you are doing here."
Boys Of Boston Lip-Dub Britney
Via Towleroad, how about something super-gay, super-silly, and filled with hotties to close out an otherwise crap week?
RHODE ISLAND: Catholic Diocese Calls On Assembly To Kill Civil Unions
Following the collapse of Rhode Island's same-sex marriage bill, a civil unions bill is now being floated as a "compromise." And of course, the Catholic Church is early out of the gate with their denouncement.
We hope that those members of the Rhode Island General Assembly who have consistently supported traditional marriage will stay steadfast in their opposition to the legal recognition of same-sex relationships as either marriage or civil unions. Government sanctioned civil unions cannot be supported by those who truly understand the unique nature and status afforded a man and a woman in marriage. We call upon the members of the Rhode Island House and Senate to cast aside such compromises and rather work to strengthen marriage in our state by passing a Defense of Marriage Bill that clearly defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Only then will the attempts by radical activists to redefine marriage and undermine family life in Rhode Island finally be stopped. Civil Unions are not the answer.
Atlanta Braves Suspend Pitching Coach Over Anti-Gay Slurs Directed At Fans
The Atlanta Braves have suspended their pitching coach after he heckled fans at a San Francisco game by shouting, “Are you a homo couple or a threesome?" and then simulating anal sex with a baseball bat.
UPDATE: GLAAD says the Braves need to do more.
The Braves have placed pitching coach Roger McDowell on administrative leave while they continue to investigate allegations that he directed anti-gay slurs toward fans at San Francisco’s AT&T Park. The Braves announced that minor league pitching coordinator Dave Wallace would fill in during McDowell’s absence. Braves general manager Frank Wren is scheduled to meet with the media at 4:10 p.m. The last Brave to miss game action for inflammatory remarks was former closer John Rocker after his 1999 tirade in Sports Illustrated. Rocker was originally fined $20,000 by Major League Baseball and suspended for a month, but his sanctions were reduced to a $500 fine and a two-week suspension by an arbitrator. McDowell issued an apology on Wednesday, saying “I am deeply sorry that I responded to the heckling fans in San Francisco on Saturday. I apologize to everyone for my actions.”Celebrity attorney Gloria Allred yesterday held a press conference with one of the witnesses, who was attending the game with his young daughters. When the witness complained to McDowell about his language, the coach allegedly waved the bat at him asking, "How much are your teeth worth?"
UPDATE: GLAAD says the Braves need to do more.
“It remains to be seen whether the Atlanta Braves will take real disciplinary action and send a clear message that there is no place for anti-gay remarks or violent threats in baseball,” said GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios. “The Braves and Major League Baseball should follow the NBA and WWE by speaking out in support of gay and lesbian baseball fans and players around the country, and by taking steps to make the sport a safe place for everyone.”
Elderly Hate Group Leader And Scam Artist Feels America Is Sodom & Gomorrah
And he'd feel SO much better if you'd send him your Social Security check. Jeebus needs another private jetliner! Glory! Praise!
Tweet Of The Day - Chris Barron

Eviscerating Donald Trump
Onion staffer Baratunde Thurston's evisceration of Donald Trump has gone viral in the last couple of days. Watch the clip, then click over to the Village Voice for Stephen Thrasher's interview with Thurston.
VIRGINIA: King & Spalding Fired By AG Ken Cuccinelli For DOMA "Weakness"

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has ended his office’s relationship with the law firm that earlier this week said it would not represent the House of Representatives in its case supporting the Defense of Marriage Act. In a letter to Atlanta-based King & Spalding, the state’s top law enforcement official, a Republican, says that the firm’s willingness to drop the House as a client in the DOMA case “was such an obsequious act of weakness” that he sees the need to terminate Virginia’s ties with the firm.
12 Drama Desk Noms For Book Of Mormon

VIDEO: In the clip below, Broadway Speaks OUT's Marti Gould interviews Drama Desk presenters Audra McDonald and Liev Schreiber, followed by the nomination announcements.
NAACP To Sally Kern: Resign Now

NAACP state president Anthony Douglas wants Kern to resign. “This is an outrage. We're calling for her to go today. She needs to step down now," he said. Under the leadership of Benjamin Todd Jealous, the NAACP has accelerated its support of gay rights and sought to recruit more gay leaders and people from diverse racial backgrounds. Kern apologized for her remarks Thursday. While the speaker of the House Kris Steele said he disagreed with her, he accepted the apology, reports KOCO TV. State representative Mike Shelton said he wants Kern reprimanded. "There is no place for those kind of comments on the floor of the Oklahoma House of Representatives or the Oklahoma State Senate," Sheldon said.RELATED: Buzzfeed today posts 25 of Kern's most outrageous claims.
Corpse Of Pope John Paul II Exhumed In Preparation For Sainthood
Beyond creepy.
HomoQuotable -Jimmy LaSalvia

2012 elections,
Jimmy LaSalvia,
Trump Drops F-Bomb For Teabaggers
And the crowd goes wild!
World Net Daily: We Still Can't Believe There's A Black Man In The White House

Tony Perkins: Gay Activists Are Terrorists

Just three days ago we were cowards, now we're terrorists. Make up your diseased mind, Miss Perkins.
Family Reseach Council,
hate groups,
Tony Perkins
NOM Signs Up For Diaz Rally
On May 15, Rev DÃaz called for a rally in the Bronx and I will be there! Talk about fighting for marriage in the deep blue country! But marriage is an extraordinary issue which gathers together people of all races, creeds and colors in defense of an idea: Marriage is the way we bring together the two great halves of humanity, male and female, in part so that children can know the love of their mom and dad. We're gearing up with Rev. DÃaz and thousands of New Yorkers to fight for marriage. Pray for Rev. DÃaz and for all on the front lines of this fight, will you? And following Rev. DÃaz's lead, pray for those who wish to redefine marriage—for their safety, for a new spirit of civility and decency—and for the conversion of their hearts to support for marriage. - Brian Brown.As in 2009, I will among the likely few counter-protesters at the Diaz rally. If you plan on attending, you might consider including respectful messages in Spanish on your signage. The odds are high that your image will end up in the other side's materials.
Brian Brown,
hate groups,
New York state,
NY Senate,
Ruben Diaz
Quote Of The Day - Peter Sprigg

"This is essentially a measure of self-identification. Therefore, the logical take-away from the study would be this: the most effective way of reducing teen suicide attempts is not to create a 'positive social environment' for the affirmation of homosexuality. Instead, it would be to discourage teens from self-identifying as gay, lesbian, or bisexual." - Family Research Council bigot Peter Sprigg, in an FRC article denouncing last week's Pediatrics study on teen suicide.
According to Sprigg, gay kids wouldn't kill themselves so much if adults would just do a better job of browbeating them out of accepting their sexuality. Seriously.
Family Reseach Council,
hate groups,
LGBT youth,
Peter Sprigg,
Kimbra - Cameo Lover
How would you classify this style?
Sullivan Vs. Sisters, Round Two

"It’s actually the GAYS and all those stung by that hatred the Sisters try to help by creating space for a good belly laugh at all the holier-than-thou attitudes that keep us down. If we’re all going to Hell, there’s no reason we can’t have fun and look fabulous on the way! I’m sorry that a bunch of drag nun volunteers with a cheap sound system don’t rise to your definition of high art, but blasphemy is a democratic art form that delivers its most profound punch at street level where ordinary people struggle every day." - Sister Merry Peter, responding to Andrew Sullivan's criticism of the Hunky Jesus contest.
Read Sister Merry's full response.
Kamis, 28 April 2011
Department Of Labor Announces New Regs Protecting Transgender Employees
Newly issued Department of Labor regulations have added gender identity to the class of employment protections. Via press release:
The U.S. Department of Labor today announced its full commitment to implementing equal employment opportunity policies for all department employees and applicants. The policies ensure equal protections for all employees and applicants regardless of race; color; religion; national origin; sex, including pregnancy and gender identity; age; disability, whether physical or mental; genetic information; status as a parent; sexual orientation; or other non-merit factor. New, robust statements signed by Secretary Solis include updated policies on prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex, including gender identity and pregnancy. Secretary Solis strongly supports fair equal employment opportunity policies, and creating diversity and fairness in the workplace. “I am expressing my personal commitment to ensure that the U.S. Department of Labor is a model workplace, free from unlawful discrimination and harassment, which fosters a work environment that fully utilizes the capabilities of every employee,” said Secretary Solis. “It is my goal that we achieve and maintain a high-quality, diverse workforce at all organizational levels throughout the department.”Pregnancy is also new to the above list.
Monkeytail Beards

Superman Renounces U.S. Citizenship

"Besides being riddled with a blatant lack of patriotism, and respect for our country, Superman's current creators are belittling the United States as a whole. By denouncing his citizenship, Superman becomes an eerie metaphor for the current economic and power status the country holds worldwide," Hollywood publicist and GOP activist Angie Meyer told Fox.Wired weighs in:
In an age rife with immigration paranoia, it’s refreshing to see an alien refugee tell the United States that it’s as important to him as any other country on Earth — which in turn is as important to Superman as any other planet in the multiverse. The genius of Superman is that he belongs to everyone, for the dual purposes of peace and protection. He’s above ephemeral geopolitics and nationalist concerns, a universal agent unlike any other found in pop culture.
MASSACHUSETTS: Christianists Attack Openly Gay Supreme Court Nominee

During her confirmation hearing before the Governor’s Council, some critics testified that her marriage is part of a broader plan to give legitimacy to homosexuality in the public arena. “This will be a clarion call to all that want to indoctrinate our children into homosexuality,’’ testified Sally Naumann, who, like Lenk, lives in Carlisle. “How will we ever be able to say no to our children?" [snip] With her wife, lawyer Debra Krupp, and their two teenage daughters sitting behind her, Lenk was stone-faced during the criticism. Lenk vowed to be a judge who hews to the law and will not be what critics call an activist judge. She also balked when asked to list the cases she handled that dealt with gays or lesbians. “I don’t keep records that way,’’ she said. “I don’t regard these cases in any way of being homosexual or lesbian issues.’’
Maggie Gallagher On The HRC

"In a truly Orwellian statement, HRC President Joe Solmonese praised King and Spalding's decision to abandon a client under fire as an example of putting 'principle above politics.' Oh Joe, oh Joe. It's important for all of us to remember that life for ordinary gay people can still be difficult, even as a powerhouse gay movement flexes its cultural, financial and behind-the-scenes political power to repress the rights of others to organize, speak, donate and now hire a lawyer to defend marriage. One thing is clear: This is not a movement that needs extraordinary intervention by the courts to protect its rights." - NOM chairman Maggie Gallagher, writing for Yahoo News.
Billboard Of The Day
Oklahoma Gets Official State Gospel Song

When state Representative Jabar Shumate of Tulsa (left), the Oklahoma bill's House sponsor, was asked by a colleague to give a rendering of the song on the House floor on Monday, he declined, saying his pastor told him to always sing solo -- "so low nobody can hear." Even without a performance, no one voted against the song. "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" was written in 1862, when Oklahoma was still Indian Territory, by a Choctaw Freedman named Wallis Wallis. It's said the Red River made Wallis think of the Jordan River, and the song was loosely based on a Bible passage that describes the Prophet Elijah being taken to heaven in a chariot. "It should be a source of pride to all Oklahomans that this meaningful song was written in our state," Shumate said.Gov. Mary Fallin signed the bill into law last night.
God's Gentle Loving People, Part 98
Stevie Nicks - Secret Love
Nice, but it could use some twirling.
Feds To Hold Bullying Hearings

Atlas Bugged
Furious about them there liberal critics, the producer of this year's biggest cinematic flop, Atlas Shrugged, says the movie's two planned sequels probably will not happen.
"Critics, you won," said John Aglialoro, the businessman who spent 18 years and more than $20 million of his own money to make, distribute and market "Atlas Shrugged: Part 1," which covers the first third of Rand's dystopian novel. "I’m having deep second thoughts on why I should do Part 2." "Atlas Shrugged" was the top-grossing limited release in its opening weekend, generating $1.7 million on 299 screens and earning a respectable $5,640 per screen. But the the box office dropped off 47% in the film's second week in release even as "Atlas Shrugged" expanded to 425 screens, and the movie seemed to hold little appeal for audiences beyond the core group of Rand fans to whom it was marketed.Aglialoro says the cruelest review of all came from the New York Times, who never mentioned the film.
From The Onion

Quote Of The Day - Sally Kern

Tony Perkins Vs. Coca-Cola
Ever since King & Spalding dropped their DOMA cases, word has been that their top hometown client Coca-Cola had some role in convincing them to pull out. Yesterday FRC president Tony Perkins hinted that Coke may be next on their shitlist. Via press release:
While this form of corporate terrorism may have paid off temporarily, even the press is chiding HRC for its own intolerance toward the legal process. But that doesn't faze homosexual activists. They were all too eager to take credit for their campaign of intimidation. "We did all of this, and we're proud to have done it," Sainz bragged. According to the email traffic, King & Spalding "was starting to hear from companies that... they might have to rethink their relationship with [the firm]."
Rumors are flying that one of those companies was Coca Cola. People closest to the story are suggesting that the soda king did most of the arm-twisting. "Sources... confirm that one of King & Spalding's top clients, Coca Cola, also based in Atlanta, directly intervened to press the firm to extricate itself from the case." A spokesman for the company refused to comment. But if the allegations are true, I guarantee that FRC won't hesitate to!
Family Reseach Council,
hate groups,
Tony Perkins
CNN's John King Confronts Donald Trump Over "Embarassing" Birther Issue
Trump continues to insist that a CNN poll shows him even with the president. King points out that CNN has never issued such a poll, much to Trump's anger and denial.
Rabu, 27 April 2011
Open Thread Thursday
We're not just LGBT activists here. Tell us where your other passions lie. Animal rights? Environmentalism? Workers rights? The peace movement? Globalism? Brights?
Bryan Fischer: Glee Glamorizes Homosexuality & Gives You AIDS
In so many words.
JMG Blog Year Eight Begins
Today is the seventh blogiversary of this here website thingy. As is tradition for today, here is my very first post.
And onward to JMG year eight.
April 27th, 2004I appreciate all of you being here for these last seven years. Help yourselves to some cupcakes and punch. Please don't let the cat out.
I was born and raised in rural North Carolina.
My fondest childhood memory is of playing in the dense, acrid, poison fog that was belched out by the county mosquito control truck during its daily dusk-time trip down our dirt road.
The cry of "Smokey! Smokey!" would fly up and down Nine Foot Road once the first faint sound of the pest control truck's generator was detected in the distance. Trailer screen doors would slam open and kids would pour into the street for ten minutes of gleeful, giddy, mad dashing around in the thick white clouds of DDT. We would smash into each other with full force in the blinding swirls and just scream and laugh hysterically, pick ourselves up and start running again. Parents had not a whit of concern about their children playing directly behind the spewing pipes of a pest control truck. In fact, NOT being allowed to play in the poison fog was often held out as potential punishment for misbehavior.
I think this explains a lot about me.
And onward to JMG year eight.
Pat Robertson Goes Off On DOMA
Julianne Moore As Sarah Palin

Game Change stars Moore as Palin, Ed Harris as John McCain, Woody Harrelson as Steve Schmidt, McCain’s senior campaign strategist; Ron Livingston as Mark Wallace, another top McCain advisor; and Melissa Farman as Dancing with the Stars contestant Bristol Palin.
Tweet Of The Day - NOM

NEW YORK: Five State Senators MAY Be Changing Their Minds On Marriage
Gay City News reports that five New York state senators who voted against same-sex marriage in 2009 are now "taking no public position" on the issue. Obviously, this could possibly bode well for the upcoming vote promised by Gov. Cuomo. At least six changed votes would be needed for the bill to pass.
According to statements on the record (to Gay City News and/ or other media), two Democrats who previously voted no –– Joe Addabbo and Shirley Huntley of Queens –– and three Republicans in the same category –– James Alesi of Fairport, Greg Ball of Brewster, and Joseph Griffo of Utica –– are currently taking no public position on the marriage bill. Griffo’s undeclared status first became known in an April 26 email message to Gay City News from his office. Rayan Aguam, the senator’s director of communications & community relations, wrote, “Senator Griffo won't comment until it's clear which bill will come before the Senate for a vote. He wants to see all the details of the legislative proposal laid out before him before he makes his decision. It wouldn't surprise anyone if Senator Duane's current bill is amended or if another bill is substituted.” The position of freshman Republican Jack Martins of Garden City is not fully clear from the public record, and he did not respond to Gay City News’ request for comment.The most surprising name on the above list is Democrat Shirley Huntley, whom you may recall famously declaring in 2009 that she would never vote for gay marriage, "not even if you gave me a million tax-free dollars!" In her 2010 reelection campaign, Huntley claimed that she'd been the subject of death threats by gay activists. Last month the state Attorney General's office investigated Huntley for allegedly running a taxpayer-funded charity scam. That case is still ongoing.
Book Fail

SAN FRANCISCO: Anti-Circumcision Group To Place Ban On City Ballot

Legal experts, however, said even if such a measure were to pass, it would likely be quickly overturned as an unconstitutional attack on the grounds of religious freedom. Chief opponent Lloyd Schofield, 59, acknowledged circumcision is a ritual among Jews and a common practice among Muslims, but insisted it should be outlawed. "It's excruciatingly painful and permanently damaging surgery that's forced on men when they're at their weakest and most vulnerable," he said. San Francisco officials say Schofield's group submitted about 12,000 signatures supporting his proposed ban, which is more than enough to get it on the ballot in November.The proposed measure would make it a crime to circumcise a boy under the age of 18.
Bryan Fischer: "Ex-Gay" Fugitive Lisa Miller Is The Rosa Parks Of Kidnappers

RELATED: Fischer posts this disclaimer at the top of the above-linked column: "It should be noted that the American Family Association has taken no formal position on either Lisa Miller’s actions or the actions of Pastor Timothy Miller."
OHIO: Insurance Group Offers Reward For Name Of Anti-Gay Horse Killer
Over the weekend, eight horses were burned alive in their rural Ohio barn in an arson attack on a property owned by a gay man. The words "fags are freaks" were found spray-painted on the barn. Today a $5000 reward has been offered for the name of the perpetrator.
Brent Whitehouse hopes a reward of up to $5,000 offered by the Blue Ribbon Arson Committee will help find the person responsible for setting a fire that killed his horses and destroyed his barn Sunday night. The State Fire Marshal's Office has ruled the fire was arson. Derogatory statements were painted on the barn walls and doors just before the fire, said Shane Cartmill, spokesman for the fire marshal's office. Whitehouse said because of those statements, the fire marshal's office is looking at the possibility of a hate crime. The reward, sponsored by the Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association, works with law enforcement, firefighters and insurance industry personnel in an effort to combat arson. The fire marshal's office is asking anyone with information regarding the fire to contact them.
Not The Mama
Dinosaurs debuted 20 years ago today.
The sitcom lasted for four seasons and 65 episodes (58 episodes aired during the first run; the remaining aired in syndication) before ultimately ending with the extinction of dinosaurs. (Inevitable, we suppose.) While 'Dinosaurs' was a sitcom, the show broke the mold by not having a studio audience or a laugh track. Brought to life by a cast of experienced Henson puppeteers and seasoned voice actors, 'Dinosaurs' is heralded as one of the most ambitious sitcoms ever.Talk about a guilty pleasure.
Tony Perkins: Gay Activists Are Cowards

Today In Ambiguously Gay Advertising
Dozens of you have sent in the below Budweister ad in which some are seeing a gay subtext to a soldier's coming home story. I'm not seeing it.
Trump Takes Credit

Obama Releases Birth Certificate, Birthers Leap Out Of Tall Buildings Nationwide

It's surreal and weird and faintly ridiculous that it's come to this. But this morning the White House caught the press corps seriously off guard by handing out copies of the anti-Holy Grail of birtherism, the fabled 'long form' birth certificate.The president will speak to this issue in a press conference this morning. So far there hasn't been a peep from Donald Trump or the idiots at World Net Daily. Heh.
UPDATE: World Net Daily reacts predictably:
If the document proves valid, it could answer the questions raised by those who have alleged he was not actually born in Hawaii. But it also could prove his ineligibility because of its references to his father. Some of the cases challenging Obama have explained that he was a dual citizen through his father at his birth, and they contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born citizens.
Andrew Sullivan On "Hunky Jesus"

BRITAIN: Court Rejects Catholic Bid For Exemption From Gay Adoption Laws
A British appeals tribunal has rejected the demand of the Catholic Church that they be exempted from laws banning discrimination against gay adoptive parents. As we've seen happen in several U.S. cities, church adoption officials say they'd rather close their doors and let children go without families than abide by the law.
Leeds-based Catholic Care have said they will have no choice but to end their work finding homes for children if they are forced to comply with the new equality regulations which prohibit discrimination against same-sex couples wanting to adopt. The case went to the High Court last year before being referred to the Charity Commission, who would not back Catholic Care’s position. And the Charity Commission’s stance was upheld today by a first-tier tribunal which dismissed the appeal.
AFA: Obama Ignored Easter!
Except for his hosting of the Easter Prayer Breakfast and his drop-in at the White House Easter Egg Roll. But as we know, facts matter little to the American Family Association, whose audience laps up the lies without question.
David Barton On Earth Day

Focus On The Family On King & Spalding
With side attacks on the president and Vaughn Walker.
Focus On The Family,
Proposition 8,
Vaughn Walker
A Book For Exhausted Parents

Liberty Counsel Denies Involvement In Lisa Miller "Ex-Gay" Parental Kidnapping

"It's absurd to try to suggest Liberty Counsel had anything to do with the whereabouts or the disappearance of Lisa Miller," Mathew Staver, Dean of Liberty University's School of Law and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. Staver served as Miller's attorney through 2009. [snip] "She simply stopped communicating by phone, by e-mail, by letter," said Staver. "We have no idea where she went." Staver says Miller's actions forced Liberty Counsel to drop her case. [snip] But some believe Liberty had another motive and took part in hiding Miller - a claim Staver says is 100-percent false. "None of us would be stupid enough to place our careers and our futures and our law licenses on the table to try to help someone violate the law," said Staver.Is anybody buying this? I'm betting the FBI isn't.
Liberty Counsel,
Lisa Miller,
Mat Staver,
Selasa, 26 April 2011
NEW YORK CITY: Lady Gaga To Donate $1M To Groups Supporting LGBT Youth

Voting is open until May 6th.
Glee Spoiler: Born This Way
MINNESOTA: GOP Legislators Introduce Marriage Ban In State Senate

"The proposed constitutional amendment asks voters to define marriage as solely between one man and one woman in Minnesota. This issue constantly comes up during legislative sessions and it’s time for the people to decide. Allowing a small number of politicians, or activist judges in St. Paul to decide the definition of marriage would not be acceptable. We propose an early passage in the legislature this year, followed by a year discussion in our communities statewide in order to be prepared to vote in next year’s General Election."Minnesota Democratic state Sen. Scott Dibble, via press release:
"It’s disturbing that Republicans want to use one of the last weeks of the legislative session to marginalize one group of people and divide our state. We are facing a $5 billion budget shortfall, yet Republicans believe the biggest threat to our state’s welfare is who is allowed to be married. Minnesotans who are married legally have access to at least 515 laws that provide security, legal protections, and basic rights such as the ability to care for each other. As lawmakers, we should be focused on breaking these barriers that still exist for thousands of Minnesotans, rather than further isolating one group of people and wasting taxpayers’ time with unfounded fears."
TN State GOP Rep. Stacey Campfield Defends His "Don't Say Gay" Bill
UNRELATED: Once again we thank JMG reader Dave Evans, our devoted video clipper who scours the networks for LGBT-related news items. You folks would never see many of these segments were it not for Dave's hard work at funneling them to us here.
NOM Celebrates: We're Causing Same-Sex Marriage Activists To Lose Their Jobs
In a post about recent personnel changes at marriage equality groups around the nation, NOM is sarcastically "apologizing" for "driving up the unemployment rate."
It started with Geoff Kors, Executive Director of Equality California in California, who could never recover from his monumental defeat in the Proposition 8 campaign in California, of which NOM was one of the chief supporters and leading organizations to qualify the initiative. Kors stepped down in March of this year. Next up was the Executive Director of Equality Maryland, Morgan Meneses-Sheets, who was fired two weeks ago after failing to pass a gay marriage bill through the Maryland Legislature. It was supposed to be a “given” that gay marriage would pass in Maryland this year. A given, that is, until NOM got involved.Many of us have recently noticed an increasingly nasty tone from NOM, who (compared to some anti-gay groups) had previously kept their vitriol at a relatively low boil. They are still burning, terribly, over the Marinelli defection.
Shortly after Meneses-Sheets was fired, Equality Maryland's Development Director Matthew Thorn resigned in protest over the firing. Most recently, Kathy Kushnir, the Executive Director of Marriage Equality of Rhode Island (MERI) --the leading group advocating for gay marriage in that state-- resigned after failing to even get the gay marriage bill out of Committee in another state that was, we were told, a slam dunk for them this year. All the while, as our opponents keep talking about the march of history, tout biased polls, and tell themselves that their victory is inevitable…secretly, the Executive Directors of other states' “marriage equality” organizations are updating their resumes.
Crazy Eyes Quote Farm
Friendster Announces End

Church Sign Of The Day

This simple statement is intended to be a gift to those who have experienced hurt and discrimination because of their real or perceived sexual orientation. The Church seeks nothing less than the healing of the world, and Central UMC wants to offer words and acts of healing to those hurt and marginalized. Also, declaring that being gay is a gift from God is a prophetic call to the Church to get out of the business of marginalizing gay and lesbian persons from the Church, and to welcome them as full members.Refreshing and positive religious news! On JMG!
TN House Votes To Overturn Nashville's Gay-Friendly Business Ordinance
Earlier this month Nashville's city council approved a law banning the city from doing business with companies that discriminate against their LGBT employees. Yesterday the GOP-dominated state House voted to overturn that law.
The measure sponsored by Republican Caucus Chairman Glen Casada of Franklin was approved 73-24 on Monday. The companion bill is awaiting a vote in the Senate State and Local Government Committee. The proposal would void a Nashville ordinance barring companies that discriminate against gays and lesbians from doing business with the city. Under state law it is illegal to discriminate against a person because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age or national origin. The Nashville ordinance prohibits companies that discriminate because of sexual orientation or gender identity from receiving city contracts. It does not apply to local governments' hiring policies for their own workers.(Tipped by JMG reader Tim)
AFA's Poll Of The Day
Phoebe Snow Dies At Age 58
Another 70's pop icon has passed. Legendary vocalist Phoebe Snow died this morning of a brain hemorrhage at the age of 58 after several months in a coma. The 1975 best new artist Grammy nominee had famously dropped out of the music business at the peak of her fame in order to care for her severely handicapped daughter. Snow did continue to make rare appearances and recordings. My favorite Phoebe Snow single, 1977's Shakey Ground, is not on YouTube for some reason. But below are two of her classics.
OHIO: Eight Horses Burned To Death In Anti-Gay Arson Attack

Seven adult horses and one foal died as a result of an arson fire at 874 West Richards Road in McConnelsville just after 11:30 p.m. on Sunday. Owner Brent Whitehouse said he woke to discover the barn engulfed in flames and immediately called 911, but it was too late. "I couldn't get the door open I could still hear the horses kicking and I tried as hard as I could to get them out and I just couldn't get them out in time," he said. Those who know Brent believe this was a hate crime, explicit words relating to his sexuality were spray painted in large white letters on the side of the barn before the fire was started. "They obviously don't know him very well, because he's a sweet-hearted person and how he lives his lifestyle is nobody's business but his own," said friend Bobbie Nelson.Unbelievable.
Andrew Sullivan On King & Spaulding

"Memo to the gay rights leadership: the ends do not justify the means. Let DOMA have the most robust defense it can possibly muster and let us argue just as passionately for its unconstitutionality. When civil rights groups bully, they lose the moral high-ground. When you have men like David Brock leading the charge - and there are no means he has ever eschewed to achieve his ends - the danger is that we prove the far right's point. We must be better than them." - Andrew Sullivan, writing for Daily Beast.
Moscow Pride Wins City Approval

"The Moscow government told the Moscow gay pride parade organizers on Tuesday that the Moscow authorities have authorized a gay pride parade in Moscow," Alexeyev said in a statement released in Moscow. The organizers notified the Moscow government and the Moscow traffic police of their intention to hold a gay pride parade on April 12, he said. The rally entitled "Moscow Gay Pride Parade: Homosexuality in the History of World Culture and Civilization" will take place on May 28, Alexeyev said. The Moscow authorities have suggested reducing number of the rally participants to 500, which was done, he said.
PhoboQuotable - William Gheen

Rock Song Map Of Manhattan

MARYLAND: Hundreds Attend Rally Against Anti-Transgender Violence

“The turnout tonight is wonderful, I’m so happy,” said Renee Carr, Polis’s mother, who attended the rally with family and neighbors, but without her daughter. “I didn’t think that McDonald’s was a dangerous place, all she wanted to do was eat and use the bathroom.” In an interview with the Blade after the rally, Carr said she has always known her daughter was transgender and that she has supported her “100 percent.” “I even carried her pocketbook on the way to the bus stop as a kid,” Carr said, adding that Polis is doing better but was unable to attend. Others at the rally said Polis was afraid to leave her house. “I want to thank everyone personally who came tonight,” said Kathleen Hand, Polis’s grandmother, who also attended the rally, which was held in the McDonald’s parking lot in Rosedale, Md., where the beating took place. “Chrissy is doing great.”
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