Rabu, 22 September 2010

NEW YORK: Andrew Cuomo Far Ahead Of Teabagger Nutjob Carl Paladino

The only surprising part of these polling results is that almost a third of New Yorkers support Carl "Put The Poor In Prison" Paladino. In Teabagistan, you can be as crazy as a horse-fucking shithouse rat as long as you shout "Cut taxes!" every three minutes.

UPDATE: Towleroad points out a just-released poll mentioned on Politico in which Cuomo leads by just SIX points.
Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Cuomo, who had led the GOP field by thirty points for most of the year, is now leading Republican rival Carl Paladino by just six points among likely voters, an astonishing new Quinnipiac University poll shows. Among the most surprising numbers in the survey is that 49 percent of independents prefer Paladino, compared to 43 percent for Cuomo, an inverse of the topline number.It's the first head-to-head of the general election, and Q's first likely-voter survey.The margin of error is 3.6 percent, and Rick Lazio, who is currently the Conservative Party nominee but whose intentions are unclear, was not included in the survey.
So maybe we should just forget the headline of this post and start to get really fucking worried.

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