The Courage Campaign's
Prop 8 Trial Tracker reports that yesterday's launch of NOM's latest bus tour is another laughable failure.
Only one stop into The Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles’ “Vota Tus Valores” bus tour (vote your values, for those who don’t speak Spanish), sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage, and we’re already questioning whether to take these folks seriously. The tour bus arrived 15 minutes late to the Park at Riverwalk, which could have caused confusion if anybody had bothered to come (or if the tour had actually taken the time to invite people).
There was no setup for speakers, just Spanish music blaring from the bus, a few organizers handing out literature and an opportunity to be interviewed by a Univision reporter who was forced to guess the location after poor directions from the organizing staff. “They had a party but nobody came,” said one member from the local Women’s Democratic Club who stopped by with two friends. Only one “values-voter” stopped by, but she was not Latina. “I was shopping at Target when I saw the bus across the street and wanted to see what it was all about,” she told me. We initially counted 8 in attendance, but 7 were organizers that got back on the bus at the end of the stop.
The next three stops on yesterday's tour also yielded only a handful of attendees. One troubling aspect of NOM's latest hate tour
is the traitorous participation of Mexican actress Karyme Lozano, who in 2008 rode in the San Francisco Pride Parade as its "queen."
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