Kamis, 29 April 2010

Why Did DC Honor "Ex-Gay" Group PFOX?

Christian Newswire is crowing this morning about a certificate of appreciation given to the leader of the nasty "ex-gay" group PFOX by DC Mayor Adrian Fenty.
The government of the District of Columbia has awarded a certificate of appreciation to Regina Griggs, executive director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX). The certificate, signed by D.C. mayor Adrian Fenty, recognizes Griggs for her "dedication, commitment, and outstanding contributions as Executive Director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays." "Regina's award is well-deserved," said Greg Quinlan, President of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays. PFOX presented the award to Griggs last week in honor of her ten years of volunteer service to parents and the ex- gay community. "Regina has served as executive director without pay. Instead, she prefers that donations be used to develop resources for families and teens, to promote unconditional love for all regardless of sexual orientation, and to seek equal access and protection for the ex-gay community," said Quinlan. "Her dedication is unparalleled."
The Gay & Lesbian Activist Alliance of Washington DC is NOT happy.
In an open letter addressed to Mafara Hobson, spokesperson of the mayor's office, Rick Rosendall, vice president of political affairs for GLAA, says: ''PFOX is notorious as a purveyor of junk science which constitutes an ongoing slander against gay people. ''GLAA in the past has defended PFOX's First Amendment right to express its noxious views, but PFOX certainly does not deserve any honor or recognition from our Mayor.'' Rosendall goes on to request three things: an explanation of the honor, a rejection of the ''ex-gay'' movement from Fenty, and a description of what Fenty plans to do to undo the perception that he approves of PFOX's mission. ''Given the Mayor's record of support for gay families,'' Rosendall adds, ''it is painful to see him honor someone with the pernicious record of a Regina Griggs.''
Seriously, Fenty. WTF?

UPDATE: The Washington Post reports that Fenty has issued an apology.
D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty apologized Thursday over his decision to issue a certificate of appreciation honoring the leader of the ex-gay movement, which believes homosexuals can be rehabilitated. Fenty’s statement comes one day after local and national gay-rights leaders demanded to know why Fenty honored Regina Griggs, executive director of the Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays. Mafara Hobson, a Fenty spokeswoman, called Griggs’ award a “staff-level error.” “We apologize for the error as it runs contrary to the mayor’s vision of a more open and inclusive city,” Hobson said. “The mayor is proud of his ardent support of the LGBT community.”

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