The Supreme Court will hear the case of the terrifying homofascists today, as Protect Marriage Washington pleads to keep the names of the supporters of Referendum 71 shielded from public review. The Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders note the horrifying examples cited in one amicus brief. Via press release:
- A country club member in California, a supporter of Proposition 8, noted that "the openly gay members of the country club have changed their attitudes toward me. They used to greet me warmly; now, they give me looks of disdain and do not greet me as I pass."
- A person with a yard sign supporting Proposition 8 was disturbed on Halloween that some people "pointed and whispered to one another in disapproval" during trick-or-treating.
- A woman was upset that her brother, who is gay, would no longer speak to her after she told him she might vote for Proposition 8.
As the amicus brief says, these complaints "are not only trivial, they reflect a fundamental refusal to accept the legitimacy of speech that disagrees with the complainants' viewpoints, deeming it 'hateful' or 'harassing' simply because they do not like hearing it."
"There's nothing to see here, folks," said Jon Davidson, Legal Director of Lambda Legal. "There's no comparison between a few scattered instances of whispers and disapproving glares and the very real discrimination, harassment and even violence LGBT people experience every day all over the country. After all, more hate crimes are reported against gay people than any other group per capita in the United States." "The Petitioners are attempting to create a through-the-looking-glass world in which the aggressors are the victims and the victims the aggressors," said Gary Buseck, Legal Director of GLAD.
It's completely laughable from end to end. A ruling isn't expected for several months.
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