The University of Minnesota's Dr. Gary Remafedi is
furious with NARTH for falsely citing his work on their website and in the letter sent to the nation's schools by their
fake pediatricians group.
The letter, and the Facts About Youth website it pointed school officials to, was dense with footnotes citing scientific studies. Remafedi's research was at the top of the list. The ACP argues that schools shouldn't support gay teens because they're probably just confused. "Most adolescents who experience same-sex attraction...no longer experience such attractions at age 25," the letter says, citing a 1992 study by Remafedi. Except that's not what Remafedi's research suggested at all. His work showed that kids who are confused about their sexuality eventually sort it out—meaning many of them accept being gay. "What was so troubling was that these were fellow doctors, fellow pediatricians," Remafedi says. "They knew better, and they have the same ethical responsibilities to their patients that I do, but they deliberately distorted my research for malicious purposes."
NARTH is refusing Remafedi's demand that they stop using his name. He is considering a lawsuit.
Remafedi also wrote a letter to the American College of Pediatricians, asking them to stop citing his research. But the college isn't budging. Reached at his Florida headquarters, Dr. Tom Benton, the group's president, says he has every right to use any research he wants. "I have the utmost respect for Dr. Remafedi," says Benton, who is a pediatrician. "He does good work. The fact is, his research supports our conclusions, even if he doesn't." Which is why, Benton says, he won't be taking down references to Remafedi's work or making any corrections. All of which leaves Remafedi frustrated. "I've considered litigation," he says. "It was libelous. On a personal level, when I'm dead and buried, I don't want my work to be associated with these types of organizations and ideas."
Sue them, Doctor. Sue the
fuck out of them.
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