Jewish teabagger blogger Pamela Geller, who is a loud opponent of the plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero,
has launched an anti-Islam bus campaign in NYC.
"Fatwa on your head? Is your community or family threatening you? Leaving Islam?" read the ads bought by rabble-rouser Pamela Geller and the New York-based Stop the Islamization of America. They also direct Muslims to a Web site urging them to leave the "falsity of Islam." Geller, 51, a leader in the fight against the proposed Ground Zero mosque, said she was "thrilled" that the ads were up - and doesn't care if they offend Muslims. "Will it bother Islamic supremacists? Yes," she said. Geller said she spent $10,000 - money raised by readers of her Atlas Shrugs blog - for 40 ads appearing on the sides of buses citywide for a month. "There ought to be ads also for people who want to leave Islam," she said. "Their lives are threatened."
Geller's blog,
Atlas Shrugs, is one of the more popular wingnut sites.
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