Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Elton John Banned In Egypt

The Egyptian musicians union that oversees the concerts of foreign performers has banned Elton John from holding a concert there because of his recent comments about Jesus Christ.
"How do we allow a gay, who wants to ban religions, claimed that the prophet Eissa (Jesus) was gay and calls for Middle Eastern countries to allow gays to have sexual freedom," head of the Egyptian Musician Union, Mounir al-Wasimi told DPA. The pop superstar, 63, stirred controversy after his remarks to US celebrity news magazine Parade in February, where he said "Try being a gay woman in the Middle East - you're as good as dead", after saying he believed Jesus was "gay". Al-Wasimi said that he has begun coordinating with security bodies to ban John's concert, saying that the union is the only body "authorised to allow performances by foreign singers in Egypt". In 2008, Elton John performed in the United Arab Emirates to a crowd of more than 13,000 fans.

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