Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

CALIFORNIA: Mom Attempted To Murder Kids In Advance Of "Rapture"

End times proponent Harold Camping says he bears no responsibility for this.
Lyn Benedetto of Antelope Valley, Calif. slit the wrist and throat of her two daughters and then slit her own, claiming to prevent them from going through the “Tribulation” on May 21, 2011. However, her neighbor discovered the attempted murder and suicide early enough for ambulance to take them to a nearby hospital to be treated. At the Open Forum of Family Radio in Oakland, Calif. on Monday, Camping said he was not responsible for the acts committed by his followers. And he was also not prepared to tender any public apology or admit that he had made a mistake about his Doomsday prediction.
Camping: "Murdering is terrible. It is contrary to everything the Bible teaches. That would have been a horrible thing if she has done that. That will make me weep. That will fill me with sorrow that she would do that. The Bible teaches that we are to save life, not kill. If it is going to be death, leave it to God. God knows who He wants to kill and make alive. That is His business, not our business."

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