This morning I noted Focus On The Family's
repulsive attempt to prevent schools from teaching that it's wrong to beat up gay kids. Over at
Alternet blogger Alvin McEwen
has discovered that Focus is actually citing Dr. George "Lift My Luggage" Rekers in their anti-gay materials.
You read that right. Our “beloved” solicitor of “luggage lifters,” George Rekers. Even after the scandal involving the rentboy and the knowledge that his very presence at anti-gay judicial cases almost ensures victories of the lgbt community (due to the fact that judges don’t find him credible), Cushman and Focus on the Family still think of him as a credible source when it comes to LGBT issues. The big irony is that Cushman contends that Focus on the Family wants to establish an anti-bullying program to help all students. I find that hard to believe on so many levels. The citation of Rekers as a reliable source is one reason. The entire campaign in general is another.
Shortly after the Rekers scandal broke, he resigned from the "ex-gay" group NARTH. And the Family Research Council tried to pretend they'd never heard of him, even though he was listed on their site's "about" page as one of FRC's co-founders.
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