Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

GetEQUAL Activist Kip Williams Heckles Obama At Sen. Barbara Boxer Event

Last night GetEQUAL co-founder Kip Williams heckled the president about DADT in San Francisco at an event for Sen. Barbara Boxer. Obama was barely nonplussed by the interruption and even mentioned having recognized Williams from a similar protest earlier this year in Los Angeles. Watch the president heckle back.

Williams said to reporter Rex Wockner after the event: "I was arrested, cited and released. Disturbing the peace. ... It was the first time I've done something like that by myself. ... I was close enough to see Obama's face. I worked so hard on his campaign and I still believe in him and I support him, and I wish I didn't have to have that exchange with him, and I saw the anger on his face when I started speaking. But I'm angry too, and I can't be silent."

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