In a top-of-site "breaking" story, this morning
World Net Daily picks up Porno Pete LaBarbera's ridiculous and outrageous campaign against GLSEN. As I
reported here on Sunday night, one of the 40,000 members of GLSEN's Day Of Silence page, probably an anti-gay activist, uploaded several photos advertising a gay hook-up site. Several screen shots later and...BINGO! There's your "proof" that GLSEN is pitching porn to school kids.
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth edited some of the images, placing blocks over strategic parts of the photographs, but they remained largely too revealing for inclusion in a news report. "If a conservative or religious group were as reckless as GLSEN in exposing impressionable children to hard-core perversion and pornography, needless to say they'd be out of business and drummed out of the pro-family movement," LaBarbera told WND. "It is a testament to how the liberal media protects irresponsible 'gay' activists that GLSEN continues to have a huge influence with educators despite its documented record of corrupting children – by exposing them directly to the worst excesses of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement," he said.
Linda Harvey of the SPLC-certified hate group, Mission America:
"It's not at all a surprise. GLSEN has a long history of recommending age-inappropriate and frankly promiscuous homosexual activity at young age for kids," she said. "Then they cover it with a civil rights, social justice and safe school veneer. This offensive page linked from the Day of Silence website page, also sponsored by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which indeed has a lot to hide. But thankfully, some technologically savvy pro-family warriors captured the original page in anticipation of this move."
Yesterday LaBarbera admitted to me on Twitter that the photos could have been uploaded by any of the tens of thousands members of the Facebook page,
including himself, yet that little detail has not made it into any of the stories now rocketing around anti-gay Christianist hate sites such as
World Net Daily.
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