Senin, 18 April 2011

TRAILER: Question 1

In a new documentary about the battle to repeal same-sex marriage in Maine, Yes On 1 chairman Marc Mutty expresses regret for his role. The Portland Press Herald notes:
The six-minute excerpt, along with several other clips posted on the movie's Facebook page, offers front-row views of players on both sides of the hard-fought contest -- including a close-up of Jesse Connolly, campaign manager for No on 1/Protect Maine Equality, conceding with tears in his eyes that "at the end of the day, these people deserve to get married -- and I couldn't get it done for them." But it is Mutty, sitting atop a campaign almost identical to the 2008 effort that beat back same-sex marriage in California, whose on-camera disclosures could well steal the show. "This has been a (double expletive). This has been awful. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it," a clearly exhausted Mutty says midway through the trailer. At another point, he laments, "I fear I'll be remembered for the work I did on this campaign." He even goes so far as to plead "for forgiveness for the ways in which I might have betrayed my own self in this endeavor."
Mutty also acknowledges that his campaign's claim that "same-sex marriage will be taught in schools" was untrue.

(Tipped by JMG reader Seth)

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