Rabu, 20 April 2011

Family Research Council: It's Not Too Late To Block The Repeal Of DADT

From a Family Research Council op-ed posted yesterday on Fox News:
Here’s a quiz: What is the current state of the 1993 law that barred homosexuality in the Armed Forces (usually referred to as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”)? If you said that the law has been repealed, and that open homosexuals are now welcome in the military, you would be wrong. “But,” you might say, “I thought the lame duck Congress passed the bill to repeal it last year.” True, and President Obama signed it on December 22, 2010.Yet odd as it may seem, the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010” did not actually repeal anything. Instead, it set in motion an unusual series of trigger mechanisms, which would not lead to repeal until sixty days after the last one of them is completed. Since this process has not yet been completed, the law barring homosexual conduct in the military is still in place—and there is still time to stop this ill-advised repeal.
The article goes on to call on the House to hold hearings to block certification.

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