Rabu, 20 April 2011

ARIZONA: Teabagger Flag Granted Same Legal Protections As U.S. Flag

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill granting the Tea Party flag the same legal protection as the American flag. Properly known as the Gadsden flag, homeowners associations are now barred by state law from banning its display.
Current law overrides any rules when it comes to the U.S. flag, the flags of any branch of the military, the state flag, the POW-MIA flag and the flag of any Indian nation. The new law will add the Gadsden flag to that protected list, that yellow flag with the drawing of a coiled rattlesnake and the phrase “Don’t Tread on Me.”
RELATED: My pal Dr. Jeff and I recently spotted the Tea Party flag flying from the upper windows of an Upper East Side megamillion dollar townhouse. Fight the power!

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