Days after being released on bail for federal corruption charges, anti-gay and newly outed NY state Sen. Carl Kruger returned to Albany where his fellow lawmakers are now treating the once powerful Kruger like the steaming cesspool of a human that he is. The
New York Times issues this blistering observance:
Mr. Kruger, his head down, again declined to speak to reporters. He piled into an elevator and stood, completely silent, as the elevator stopped, floor by floor, and people got on and off. Then he took an underground passageway from the Legislative Office Building to the Capitol. No one spoke to him. People stared, the way people stare when trying to seem as if they are not staring. Then another elevator — which seemed to take an afternoon to open its doors. Mr. Kruger’s every action was watched, his every embarrassment noted. On the Senate floor, he had to figure out where he was supposed to sit. The loss of his committee rank also lost him a prominent place. Mr. Kruger instead slouched in a seat in the back.
For now Kruger will remain in office while he and his wretched gynecologist boyfriend await trial on bribery and money laundering charges. He has been stripped of his post as the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, an office typically filthy with favor-seeking lobbyists as the legislature hammers out the budget. Yesterday he was to issue an apology to the Senate for the "distraction" of his arrest, but that speech was canceled after many refused to attend.
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