Cannon said the Legislature may reassert its position affirming the prohibition if that becomes necessary, but is awaiting word whether the Scott administration will continue to enforce the ban. “The tactical calculus is to make a change [in the law] would almost imply that you agree that there was some flaw identified by the Third DCA,” Cannon said of the Legislature’s options after the Third District Court of Appeal overturned the law last year. “Because that’s just in one district, it may make sense to wait and see if that Third DCA opinion is eventually brought up with another case and either overturned or affirmed by the Supreme Court,” he said. “Until we know how the governor and DCF secretary are going to apply it, it’s not a foregone conclusion that the Legislature should step in,” he said. “If we think we should, we’re certainly prepared and willing to do so.” Asked if the governor should enforce the law, Cannon replied, “Absolutely.”Earlier this month Tea Party-backed Gov. Rick "Medicare Fraud" Scott tipped his hand on gay adoption when he appointed an anti-gay adoption activist to head Florida's Department of Children and Families.
(Tipped by JMG reader Robert)
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