Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Dan Choi For Senate?

An interesting little tidbit pops up in the final graph of this interview with Dan Choi.
"I found a truth throughout this year that I might not have seen when I first started: action and sacrifice speaks much more loudly than the best crafted, eloquent speech." With that said, Choi offhandedly mentions, "the Libertarian party has asked me to run for Senate, because I am old enough in 2012." While Choi will not confirm whether he will run, he reiterates his dedication to equal rights, stating, "success for me would be to deeply fall in love again, have a family, and really become something of a professor without portfolio for equal rights."
There's no mention of what state Choi might run from, but that Libertarian Party thing is obviously a non-starter.

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