Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Quote Of The Day - Ron Prentice

"Our opponents have taken hold of the recent attacks against homosexuals – terrible acts that the Protect Marriage executive committee thoroughly condemns on every level – and connected them to Prop 8 supporters! We believe that every person is created in the image of God and that all human life is to be respected and valued. There is never cause for provoking humiliation or assault on a person, and every person is entitled to safety and freedom from fear of harm.

"The passage of Proposition 8 did one thing: it placed the traditional definition of marriage into the California Constitution. The work to pass Proposition 8, and now to defend it in the Courts, has not and will never be targeted at the homosexual population. We may never convince all homosexuals of our sincere concern for their wellbeing, but we cannot remain silent in the face of heinous attacks upon them. Please join us in denouncing such persecution, pray for its end, and 'love your neighbor as yourself.'" - Protect Marriage chairman Ron Prentice, in a fundraising letter.

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