A just-released poll reveals that
62% of Australians now support marriage equality.
Australian Marriage Equality spokesperson Alex Greenwich and PFLAG national spokesperson Shelley Argent OAM called on both major parties to listen to the Australian people and allow a conscience vote on the issue. "Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott cannot ignore the majority of Australians who believe same-sex couples should be able to marry and the even greater majority who want a conscience vote on the issue", Greenwich said. PFLAG national spokesperson, Shelley Argent, said "if Catholic counties like Spain, Argentina and Portugal can right this wrong then why can't Australia?" The Galaxy poll also showed that 80 per cent of Australians aged between 18 and 24 support same-sex marriage and 72 per cent of households with children aged under 18 were also in favour. 74 per cent of Labor voters and 48per cent of Coalition voters support equality. Support for a conscience vote is uniformly high with 80per cent of Labor voters and 75 per cent of Coalition voters supporting it.
Full polling results here (PDF).
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