Good As You points out the American Family Association's ongoing practice of rewriting of the Associated Press stories they post on their
OneNewsNow blog, in which they substitute "gay" for (in their minds) the more damaging "homosexual," insert (in their minds) insulting graphics, and rewrite the headlines themselves. The AFA pays the AP to use their stories, and that usage agreement surely stipulates that the articles not be altered. GAY's Jeremy Hooper:
[D]espite multiple attempts to make the Associated Press care about this by both this site and by GLAAD, nothing seems to have been done. The AFA continues to do this sort of thing on an almost daily basis, changing the entire meaning, context, and intent of AP stories so that outdated terms are made to seem like an acceptable journalistic practice here in America of 2010, and pink White House graphics are made to seem like perfectly kosher choices that any AP photo editor would routinely make. We don't know what else to do. But we do know that the AP's blind eye on this is unfair to the national discourse, to its own stable of writers and editors, to its brand, and to LGBT people who are sick of seeing their lives presented as alleged. We'd care, if we were America's most prominent news wire.
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