Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Civil Unions Pass In Ireland's Dáil

Ireland's lower legislative chamber, the Dáil, has just passed a civil partnerships bill.
The Dáil has passed without a vote, all stages of the Civil Partnership Bill, giving new legal rights to non-marital couples. Justice Minister Dermot Ahern said 'it was one of the most important human rights pieces of legislation the House had dealt with.' Minister Ahern continued 'to take account of this Bill, the Government would change the tax and social welfare laws.' Labour's Brendan Howlin, said the bill gives real, practical benefits to thousands of people and brings the country further along the road to equality. Environment Minister John Gormley thanked the Justice Minister for his work on this bill, which was part of the Programme for Government. Minister Gormley said the bill was an act of tolerance, and a step forward.
The bill now moves to Ireland's version of the Senate.

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