Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Photo Of The Day

Nadine Smith of Equality Florida handed the president a photo during Tuesday's LGBT Pride Month reception at the White House. The accompanying letter read:
Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for the invitation to join you for the White House LGBT Pride Reception. On behalf of the 131,000 households that support the work of Equality Florida and all fair-minded Americans I ask you to please lend your voice to ending a law that literally tears families apart. Every Wednesday for almost a year these two boys wonder if the court will decide to let them be adopted by their foster dad of over 5 years or whether they will be torn from their home and likely separated. Florida is the only state with a statute that specifically bans gay people from adopting but already anti-gay groups are preparing to launch a ballot measure to make this devastating discrimination part of the state constitution. We must end this now in Florida or we will see it on the ballot state after state.

Nadine Smith
Executive Director
Equality Florida

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